Studio Drummer Available For Your Project! in Richmond, Indiana For Sale
Type: Music instruments,
For Sale
- Private.
Do you need to record drums for your demo, commercial jingle, songs or CD project?
I have been recording drum tracks remotely for songwriters and musicians worldwide
since xxxx, and I can provide drum tracks to you over the Internet from here in my
home studio.
Every project is unique, and I will take the time to work with you to get your songs
to sound just like you want it. Whether it's just the drum tracks for one song or an
entire project I am available to record the drum tracks at very reasonable rates.
No payments are required until you are totally satisfied with the recorded drum tracks.
You have nothing to lose!
For more info please contact me via email.
State: Indiana City: Richmond Category: Music instruments
Music instruments in Indiana for sale
Music instruments in Indiana for sale
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