Custom Diesel Tuning and Emission System Deletes for Heavy Trucks in Richmond, Indiana For Sale
Type: Services, For Sale - Private.
Have you been struggling with your emission system lately? Do you spend a good chunk of your time and profits on repairing and replacing or cleaning EGR and DPF parts?
With custom delete tuning by Krazy On Highways on your heavy truck, you can stop worrying about performing countless manual burns and regens, bringing your truck in to have it's EGR valve or DPF filter replaced or derating and having to limp your truck to the nearest mechanic to fix something that has no hope of working properly again.
Once your big rig has been deleted you can look forward to forgetting about your emission systems and saving tons of money on fuel and maintenance. You will also notice a natural gain in horsepower and torque simply by removing the restrictions that your emission systems have been placing on your exhaust.
On top of our custom made deletes, you can further customize your trucks performance by purchasing a performance, performance/economy or economy tune. These tunes allow your engine to pump out tons more power or, you can smooth out your injector timings to make your heavy truck run smoother than a hybrid.
If you are interested in any of our services, you can give us a call at 1-587-254-xxxx. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have or book your truck into our closest dealer.
You can also find all of our tunes, deletes, performance parts and prices on our website at W W W . K R A Z Y O N - H I G H W A Y S . C O M